Teeth whitening
Natural or artificial pigments adhere to tooth surfaces with the food taken. With the removal of discolorations, the color of the teeth that the person has is revealed. The method applied to further lighten this resulting color is bleaching.
Smile Design
Everyone desires to have a beautiful smile. A person in a digital or clinical environment with smile design The ideal smile shape for the patient is determined, before starting the treatment. The smile at the end of the treatment is presented to the person.
Implant Treatment
Missing teeth cause negative results in function and aesthetics. We use implants, which we can call titanium artificial roots, in the recovery of lost teeth.
Prosthetic Treatments
Partial or complete edentulism, quality of life especially in advanced ages adversely affecting factors. Today, with increasing treatment options, we offer our patients treatment options such as fixed, mobile, implant supported, tooth supported.
Transparent Orthodontics
Treatment of aesthetic and functional disorders known as crooked dentition; Thanks to clear aligner appliances, it is now possible without wearing braces.
Pediatric Dentistry
The period up to the age of 13, which is called the primary dentition and mixed dentition period, is the healthy period of permanent dentition. in terms of being is important. The period before the age of 12-13, It is the process in which the growth and development of the jaw bones occur to a large extent.
Pink Aesthetics
Gum during laughing and speaking It is the subject of dentistry that aims to provide aesthetics. We can correct gum color and visibility with various treatments.
Root Canal Treatment
Pulp, which forms the living tissue of the tooth in advanced caries cases texture may be infected. This is a pain at a level that will stop the person's daily life, swelling in the infected area. redness manifests itself as an increase in temperature. Treatment root canal treatment.
Gum Problems
This disease, which starts with symptoms such as bleeding gums, redness and swelling of the gums, cold sensitivity; It results in gingival recession and the loss of support tissue of the teeth and their shaking. Early diagnosis and treatment are important.
Bruxism, which means involuntary clenching / grinding, increases with the stress brought by the age, It is the primary cause of most toothaches and tooth wear.
Bad Breath
Bad breath, which negatively affects social life, is also a health problem. Causes should be identified should be eliminated with appropriate treatments.
Snoring Problem
The decrease in sleep quality causes an inability to wake up fresh and a constant state of sleep during the day. Especially individuals who snore due to airway problem, We get rid of this problem with the snoring apparatus.
Composite Restoration
Aesthetic composite restorations, also known as white fillings; It is preferred to replace the lost dental tissue in cases such as dental caries and tooth fractures.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth cannot find a place in some cases and remain embedded in the jaw bones. Twenties that are fully or partially buried are painful, called pericoronitis from time to time. causes inflammatory disease.