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çocuk uzmanı diş hekimi bursa nilüfer özlüce diş hekimi arman kömür


In some parts of society; there is a misconception that is temporary tooth is unimportant

The period up to the age of 13, which is called the primary dentition and mixed dentition period, is important in terms of the healthy and aesthetic of the permanent dentition.  is important.

Early loss of milk teeth causes permanent teeth to remain impacted or perplexed.

Early loss of milk teeth is prevented by treatments such as filling and root canal treatment.

Milk tooth  loss  If it cannot be prevented, problems that may occur in permanent dentition are prevented with placeholder treatment.

Since toothaches in the milk dentition period reduce the desire for nutrition, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

The period before the age of 12-13,  It is the process in which the growth and development of the jaw bones take place. skeletal structure that is not intervened in this time period.  developmental disorders  treatment; in advanced ages only with surgical intervention  can be done.  

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