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lazer gömülü yirmilik diş çekimi yirmi yaş diş ağrısı bursa özlüce nilüfer diş hekimi arman kömür

Impacted Wisdom Teeth:

The third molars, that is, wisdom teeth, located at the back of the tooth row; In some cases  It cannot find a place and remains buried in the jaw bones.

Fully or partially embedded wisdom teeth may be cause an inflammatory disease called pericoronitis.

recurrend gingival swelling

redness in the mouth or at the face,

bad breath,

bad taste in mouth

severe pain that may radiate to the ear or eye  :


In some cases, these symptoms are accompanied by high fever and lymphodenopathy.

In some cases wisdom teeth that have been waiting for years without any symptoms or complaints start at young  age.

In most cases, pain does not allow daily life and sleep.


The position and angle of the tooth, the positions of the anatomical formations, the level of oral hygiene, the general health status of the patient and the diseases affect the surgery.

In some cases; wisdom teeth located close to the occlusal (chewing plane), are partially covered by gingival tissue. They are not fully impacted. In these cases; pericoronitis can be treated by excising the small piece of gingiva called the hood, and removing the tooth is not necessary. This procedure can be done by scalpel incision, cauterization or  It can be done with a soft tissue laser .

In other cases, it is treated with tooth extraction. The angle, level, position of the tooth, the presence of mucosa or bone retention, the person's mouth opening affect the duration of the operation.

Stures need to be removed after one week the operation and wound healing is need to be checked.

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